Project Name: Innovation to Inclusion (i2i)
Project Duration: 1st January 2020 to 31st March 2022
Short description of the project:
To ensure proper monitoring and reporting of the UNCRPD Article 27 and 28. To ensure utilization of ‘Small Grant Scheme’ for data collection and reporting and also represent the project at national, regional and global levels. Outcomes of this project, creating job opportunities for persons with disabilities in private sectors.
Project Name: Community Based Mental Health Services for Children and Young People in Marginalized Communities
Project Duration: June 2020 to 30 May 2024
Short description of the project:
Community-Based Mental Health (MH) Services for Children and Young People in Marginalized Communities project’s goal is to develop a quality and inclusive community-based MH support system to improve the MH and wellbeing of underserved children and young people, particularly girls and young women and those with other disabilities, in Bangladesh. The project will address key gaps in minimum healthcare services for CYMH, improving access to MH support and services and to their social and economic rights with support from their family and communities, with more dignity and reduced stigma and discrimination, leading to a better and healthier live.
it is a consortium project, ADD being as lead. DCF will implement its defined activities in harmony with ADD and other consortium partners will mutually share resources, experience and learning as applicable during project implementation. It is expected that DCF will adhere to disability inclusiveness organizationally and in program implementation
Project Name: Collective of Organizations of persons with Disabilities on Inclusive COVID-19 Humanitarian Actions in Bangladesh (CEOPDICHAB)
Project Duration: Oct 2020 to Feb 2022
Short description of the project:
Identify persons with disabilities and persons at risk and maintain continuous communication. To inform and create awareness about the services provided by the mainstream organizations and government agencies in the area for persons with disabilities and persons at risk. Encourage the use of Covid-19 services provided by mainstream organizations and government agencies in the area. Identify persons with disabilities and persons at risk and refer them to appropriate humanitarian services as required.
To create awareness among the mainstream organizations and government organizations in the area about the following issues:
1- Access to Covid-19 trials for persons with disabilities and at risk.
2- Inclusive mental health care system
3- Inclusive multiple cash assistance system
4- Creating fields of inclusion
Creating entry points in mainstream institutions and government institutions. Determining a focal point of communication between mainstream organizations and government agencies, providing ongoing communication and providing technical assistance on integration
Project Name: Global Disability Summit
Project Duration: 1st January 2021 to 30 Jun 2022
Short description of the project:
The Global Disability Summit 2018 resulted in 170 commitments to end stigma and discrimination against persons with disabilities and ensure that persons with disabilities have equal access and voice in society. In addition, 301 governments and organizations signed the Charter for change an action plan to implement the UN International Convention on Disability. The summit was the first ever to be convened on disability. The Bangladesh Government has made 8 commitments in this summit with the support of Disability Rights Fund ,six (6) disabled Peoples Organization (DPOs)-Access Bangladesh Foundation, Disabled Child Foundation (DCF)National Council of Disabled Women, Sitakund Federation of DPOs, Turning Point Foundation and Women with Disabilities Development Foundation have initiated a project jointly to promote Government commitments.
Project Name:Community Driven Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Management & Climate Change Adaptation (CDDiDRM & CCA)
Project Period – January 2020- December 2022
Supported by- CDD & CBM
Short description of the project:
The overall objective of the project is to enhancing resilience of the most at-risk community through Sustainable Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Management (DRM) & Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh.
The ultimate outcome of the project is Capacitated Urban DRR stakeholders initiated disability inclusive DRR actions in Dhaka City Corporation.
Our major interventions are-
- Capacity enhancement of community people on DiDRM.
- Local and national level advocacy on DiDRM.
- Strengthen capacity of Urban Community Volunteer and etc.
Project Name:Partnership for improving Access of Persons with Disabilities to TVET/ Skills Development
Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) Between Disabled Child Foundation (DCF) And Technical Teacher’s Training College (TTTC)
Project Period – March 2021- May 2022
The Main objectives of the MoA are-
- Promote implementation of 5% admission quota for the persons with disabilities in all the public and private polytechnic institutes and technical schools and colleges.
- Develop knowledge, skills and appropriate attitude of the teachers, instructors, management staff, principals and other staff members of the TVET institutes on Disability Inclusion.
- Increase awareness on skills training for the persons with disabilities amongst all the officials of TTTC.
The roles and responsibilities of DCF-
- Maintain communication with the TTTC on a regular basis, like arranging quarterly meetings.
- Provide technical support to the TTTC for making their environment friendly for persons with disabilities both from infrastructural and informational aspects like, accessible ramp, accessible door, ETC.